Andrew Garfield has revealed that lying about his appearance as Spider-Man was “stressful”, even if it was "weirdly enjoyable".
The Mandalorian makes sense without prior Star Wars knowledge, which Disney CEO Bob Iger says has played a role in its impressive success.
This hasn’t been the best year for reboots and what one might consider unnecessary continuations of big budget franchises. After Men in Black: International proved to be a swing and a miss for Sony, concern grew for Charlie’s Angels, and the uninspiring trailers didn’t help. Turns out, however, this might be one of the most pleasant surprises of the year! Not only does Elizabeth Banks prove the brand still has great appeal, but she also adds to it by broadening the scope of the Townsend Agency and introducing three wildly charming new leads. At the start of …
Early reactions are in for Zombieland: Double Tap, and it sounds like the zombie-action-comedy sequel is familiar, but still enjoyable.
Shortest Trip to Earth is a brutal spacefaring roguelike, whose challenge occasionally undermines the depth and quality of the overall experience.
Metacinematic films are highly self-referential to the genre they embody, and these ten meta movies are some of the most enjoyable to watch.