With director Joe Mantello’s fantastic adaptation of The Boys in the Band now streaming on Netflix, I recently spoke to Matt Bomer about being part of the production. If you’re not aware, back in 2018, Mantello and his all-openly gay cast including Zachary Quinto, Jim Parsons, Andrew Rannells, Charlie Carver, Michael Benjamin Washington, Tuck Watkins, Brian Hutchison, and Robin De Jesús, put on a revival of Mart Crowley’s iconic 1968 work, where it played to sold out audiences and went on to win the 2019 Tony Award for Best Revival of a Play. After the …
Roger Deakins? Incredible. Wally Pfister? No question. But when we detail the cinematographers who have defined, redefined, and straight up transformed the invention of our favorite pieces of contemporary cinema, there's one man who's name we must all know. Bill Pope is one of the GOATs working today, period. For over 30 years, the Kentucky-born DP has made fruitful partnerships with some of your favorite directors — Sam Raimi, Edgar Wright, The Wachowskis — while crystallizing, heightening, and pushing not only their trademark styles, but what we expect from movies moving forward. Pope's works are technical powerhouses, achieving …
The Matrix is, by my estimation, one of our most perfect movies ever made, a startling blast of imagination and filmmaking ingenuity that stands the test of time and thensome. Its two sequels, The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions... have a less sterling reputation. To this day, I will defend a lot about Reloaded, including some exquisite action sequences and fun world-building (Revolutions I simply just do not know what to say). But that might be more than Bill Bope, the trilogy's revolutionary cinematographer, is willing to do. Pope appeared on Roger Deakins' podcast recently, and had …