Who is the ultimate South Park character? Eric Cartman has been a legend since the beginning, but Randy Marsh has gained popularity in recent seasons.
Poor Butters... with all Cartman has done to him in South Park, the kid must be truly traumatized.
South Park's Eric Cartman is an evil, nasty little boy. From feeding a kid his parents to faking disability, here's his 10 darkest storylines,
Over the two decades South Park has been on the air, Matt Stone and Trey Parker have crafted some memorable, hilarious, and inappropriate stories. Many of those revolve around Eric Cartman, the foul-mouthed, straight up evil fourth grader who may go down in history as the worst cartoon character ever conceived, morally speaking. With that in mind, he's still managed to become a beloved TV character, but he has a tendency of crossing the line. So, we've taken our favorite horrible Cartman moments to present to you. Here are some of the worst things Cartman has ever done.
Eric Cartman is one of the main reasons South Park is such a success. He represents the satirical embodiment of everything wrong with the human race, yet we can't help but find ourselves fascinated by this overweight, narcissistic sociopath. Although the South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker base the characters Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski off of their own personas, they've admitted that Eric Cartman partially represents the darkest side of them that they would never dare expose to society. Cartman is truly one of the most interesting characters on TV, and he is so well-written that he deserves some dedication. So without further ado, let's take a look at some of the funniest Eric Cartman quotes of all time.