After a few decades worth of comic book stories like Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell that casually changed the medium forever, Alan Moore is giving feature film writing a go. The result is The Show, a trippy thriller that, according to today's new trailer, looks like the most Alan Moore-ass thing you've ever seen in your life. There is no difference between watching this trailer and snorting some pills you found in your grandparents' closet. Moore himself shows up dressed as a glam rocker trying to sell you Moonpies laced with acid. We're extremely …
While Alan Moore hates the adaptations, not all of them are bad. In fact, some of them are quite exceptional.
A three-year-old Alan Moore interview has resurfaced, where he states the impact of superheroes on contemporary culture is embarrassing and worrying.
Alan Moore doesn't really like his work being adapted for the big screen — but it has been. There are movies ranked according to IMDb.
What a curiosity HBO's Watchmen series is shaping up to be. Inspired by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' celebrated graphic novel of the same name, the new series from The Leftovers showrunner Damon Lindelof just dropped an Easter Egg-heavy trailer during SDCC that teased some unexpected to connections to the iconic graphic novel, while also revealing some alt-universe flourishes that promised a whole new spin on the material. A world where cops where masks, Rorschach inspired a racist cult, and Dr. Manhattan is still chilling on Mars. Turns out, that was just scratching the surface. Lindelof revealed …
Watchman co-creator Alan Moore isn't happy about HBO's highly-anticipated TV show, and showrunner Damon Lindelof has some thoughts about that.
Alan Moore begins his retirement from the comic industry with the release of the last issue of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest.