Just because Star Wars Celebration was canceled this year and Comic Con has been relegated to an exclusively at-home experience doesn’t mean that the potential geek bombshells aren’t being dropped this week. A podcast called Kessel Run Transmissions claims that Donald Glover will return to the role of Lando Calrissian for a new Disney+ original series. A representative for Disney did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Now, while this might make perfect sense (Glover was unquestionably the highlight of the otherwise middling Solo: A Star Wars Story), it also seems highly unlikely, given how …
One of the original Solo directors is teasing what the film could have included for one character.
Lando Calrissian didn't become a hero of the Rebellion overnight. But the Star Wars comics have revealed a new deal with Jabba, after Empire.
Lando Calrissian is the smoothest character in the Star Wars galaxy. Which of his many suave moments rank among the top 10?
Kylo Ren uses Lando's old blaster (which was gifted to him as a young child) during a key sequence in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
One theory about Lando just got a bunch of new evidence to support it.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's upcoming novelization includes a subplot involving Lando that was partially deleted from the final movie.
Lando's (Billy Dee Williams) final scene in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was a bit of a head-scratcher but a new companion book adds key pieces of information to his backstory which help give it more meaning. This is now becoming a weird, frustrating trend with Rise of Skywalker. Earlier this week we learned about how Fortnite held the key to some important backstory about Palpatine. So, if you went into the movie not having played Fortnite, you would have been way more confused when certain details were revealed. It's quite a bold move for Rise …
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker introduces a brand new character in Jannah, but is she more connected to the franchise's history than it seems?
Star Wars' Lando Calrissian loves to brag about the mission that made him a Rebel leader - but the truth shows how proudly he lies and cheats.
The charming smuggler is making a triumphant return to the franchise for Episode 9!
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker director JJ Abrams wanted Billy Dee Williams to return as Lando Calrissian for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Star Wars actor Billy Dee Williams reveals that he never saw his character, Lando Calrissian as the type to become a Rebel general.
The original trilogy Star Wars character is back for the last Skywalker Saga installment!
Billy Dee Williams returns as Lando Calrissian in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and here's everything we know about him after Return of the Jedi.
The Millennium Falcon was once property of Lando Calrissian, until it was won by Han Solo in a game of sabacc. But who owned the ship before Lando?
With The Rise of Skywalker set to conclude the current Star Wars saga later this year, we count 10 of the best moments from Lando Calrissian.