John Frankenheimer

John Michael Frankenheimer (February 19, 1930 – July 6, 2002) was an American film and television director known for social dramas and action/suspense films. Among his credits were Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), The Manchurian Candidate (1962), Seven Days in May (1964), The Train (1964), Seconds (1966), Grand Prix (1966), French Connection II (1975), Black Sunday (1977), and Ronin (1998).

Frankenheimer won four Emmy Awards--three consecutive--in the 1990s for directing the television movies Against the Wall, The Burning Season, Andersonville, and George Wallace, the latter of which also received a Golden Globe Award for Best Miniseries or Television Film. He was considered one of the last remaining directors who insisted on having complete control over all elements of production, making his style unique in Hollywood. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born Name:John Michael Frankenheimer
Born:Feb 19, 1930 in Queens,New York City, NY, United States
Died:Jul 06, 2002
GenreDrama, Thriller
GenreDrama, Romance, Thriller
GenreDrama, Sports
GenreAction, Thriller, War
GenreHorror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
GenreAdventure, Comedy, War
GenreAction, Romance, Thriller
GenreHorror, Sci-Fi, Thriller