Joyce Summers's death made for one of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's saddest episodes, but why did the showrunners really kill her off in season 5?
Joyce Byers has been through a lot in Stranger Things, along with Will and Jonathan. Here are some things about her that just don't make sense.
Joyce Byers isn't only #momgoals in Netflix's Stranger Things but everywhere, with these shining moments defining the concerned and attentive parent.
Many of Stranger Things' romances are hotly debated - but not these two. Should Joyce be with Hopper, or will Bob always be her soulmate?
Joyce Byers is one of the most interesting characters on Stranger Things, and while sometimes she seems downright brilliant, sometimes she doesn't.
Joyce Byers has been a whirlwind force of determination in the past three seasons of Stranger Things. Here are some of her most iconic quotes!