Food is culture. That’s kind of the central premise of the Netflix series Ugly Delicious, which is part food show, part travelogue, and part documentary. The series’ eight-episode first season delved deep into foods like pizza, barbecue, and tacos as host/executive producer/world-renowned chef David Chang investigated what makes a pizza a pizza, or what technically constitutes a taco. But quickly, the show hit upon the idea of charting culture through food—how does a traditional pizza made in Naples become a Domino’s pizza? What does pizza mean to the people of Italy vs. the …
Later this month, if you need a little more culture in your life, and a lot more food, Netflix has you covered with Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. After the first season of Ugly Delicious in 2018, author/podcast host/television personality Chef David Chang is back with another series. This time, he’s got more celebrities, and he’s taking them on even more globe trekking food odysseys. Word is, he’s completed the second season of Ugly Delicious as well. Netflix has been investing more and more in food programming of late. Flavorful Origins, Sugar Rush, Nailed It!, and …