Maggie Grace

Maggie Grace (born Margaret Grace Denig; September 21, 1983) is an American actress, best known for her roles as Shannon Rutherford on the ABC television series Lost and Kim Mills in the Taken trilogy. She is also appeared on the [Twilight] series as "Irina". Originally from Worthington, Ohio, she dropped out of high school to move to Los Angeles with her mother after her parents' divorce. While struggling financially, she landed her first role as the title character in the web-based video series Rachel's Room in 2001. Read more on Wikipedia.

Born Name:Margaret Grace Denig
Born:Sep 21, 1983 in Columbus, OH, United States
GenreComedy, Drama, Fantasy
GenreComedy, Drama
GenreAction, Crime, Thriller
GenreHorror, Mystery
GenreComedy, Romance
GenreHorror, Mystery, Thriller
GenreCrime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller