Sofia Carson is known for dancing, but did she do all her own work in Feel The Beat?
Carson Kressley from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy defends Justin Timberlake amid the hand-holding scandal, calling it totally innocent.
The British drama Downton Abbey is full of witty dialogue, and Mr. Carson, the dry butler, is a veritable fountain of fantastic quotes.
It's 1927 and things are about to get a little crazy at Downton!
NBC last night announced who’ll be filling Carson Daly’s slot on their late night programming, and the choice is both unexpected and inspired. Comedian Lilly Singh, who rose to fame on YouTube, will host a new late-night show for NBC called A Little Late with Lilly Singh. The show will air in the 1:35am ET/PT time slot previously filled by Last Call with Carson Daly, which was cancelled last month after a 17-year run. Per TV Line, A Little Late with Lilly Singh will “feature her conducting in-studio interviews along with creating and …