The actress shares her perfect reaction to what happened to Karen Strode in last year's Halloween sequel.
With Halloween Ends months away from hitting theaters, Jamie Lee Curtis shared the sweet present from Judy Greer for the set.
Judy Greer has some thoughts about how Halloween Kills played out for Laurie Strode's daughter, Karen.
Halloween Kills will arrive shortly, and Jamie Lee Curtis is sharing the love shared on set.
Jamie Lee Curtis' new look behind the scenes at Halloween Kills is bloody adorable (literally).
Halloween Kills will feature the return of Judy Greer's Karen, and she recently offered a short but thrilling update on the character.
Judy Greer describes the state of the Strode family following the events of Halloween.
From director Nick Hamm and inspired by true events, the indie drama Driven is a wild tale of the bromance gone wrong between John DeLorean (Lee Pace) and Jim Hoffman (Jason Sudeikis). Set in the early 1980s, the story follows how, out of a desire to save the financially troubled DeLorean Motor Company, the golden boy genius of the automotive industry got caught up with an ex-con pilot turned informant, who lured him into a cocaine trafficking ring set up by the FBI. During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, actress Judy Greer (who played Jim Hoffman’…