Ned Flanders could be viewed by some as the paragon of virtue in Springfield, but even he has his bad days
A lot of characters from The Simpsons have gone through big changes, sometimes for the better – but that wasn't the case with Ned Flanders.
The Flanders got their dose of tragedy when Maude was killed off in season 11 of The Simpsons – and it was due to some behind-the-scenes problems.
Ned Flanders' good-natured Christian attitudes should absolve him of past transgressions, but he's actually done some pretty questionable stuff.
Ned Flanders' heart may be in the right place, but these 10 memes prove just how much of a joke this beloved Simpsons character actually is.
The Stupid Sexy Flanders meme is one of the strangest viral sensations, and a 2000's episode of The Simpsons is responsible for its origin.