
In the distant corners of the universe, a planet of cats known as "Meow" exists where its creatures are more civilized than earthians. Thousands of years ago, the king of Meow has been sending messengers to inquire the Earth, hoping to prepare for an invasion. However, over the years, every messenger sent to Earth never returned forcing the king to put aside his plans. Read more on Wikipedia.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Country:Hong Kong
Directed By:Benny Chan
Written By:Hing-Ka Chan
Cast:Chutian Liu, Louis Koo, Louis Siu Cheung Yuen, Grasshopper, Hoi-Pang Lo, Li Ma, Michelle Wai
In Theaters:Jul 21, 2017
Runtime:1 hour 49 minutes
Production:One Cool CMC, Emperor Film Production