Horror and sex often pair together fittingly, and we've rounded up the sexiest horror movies and how to watch them.
Our list of the best horror movies ever won't just scare you. It will mess you up for life!
We all follow at least a few podcasts, but these ten horror podcasts are particularly memorable for their portable ghost story appeal.
The sequel didn't make as much as its predecessor, but it's still the No. 1 movie worldwide.
Horror and comedy thrive on two sides of the same spectrum. Without digging too deep into genre theory, a huge amount of comedy comes from watching someone else suffer in amusing ways. Slapstick mines physical pain for laughs, satire makes mincemeat out of its subjects, and theatre scholars have literally spent centuries debating whether comedy can exist without someone suffering as the punchline. In film, the relationship is even tighter. After all, a cinema is built around timing and tension, but no two genres play with the sense of buld-up and release with such similar structure as horror and …
IMDb does a good job crafting ratings for every genre and that even includes Indie Horror! Here are the 10 best films according to the site.
The library of ghost and horror films is extensive, but these ten movies are considered the best scary movies based on IMDb rankings.
There is a very good reason why horror movies never go out of fashion. Sure, the films change and take on new trends over the years, the genre remains strong because audiences always want a good scare. We may cover our eyes at times, but there's no denying the fun and excitement of watching a really great horror movie.
The found-footage subgenre is an interesting part of the horror genre’s genetic makeup. It began as a creative way for independent filmmakers with a small budget to get around having a cheap camera and no money for special effects. However, it has since been adopted by Hollywood as the cheapest and easiest way to make a hit horror movie.