Thor is once again struggling to lift Mjolnir - and this time it looks as though something's seriously wrong with the enchanted hammer.
Superman fans brag that the he proved himself 'worthy' by lifting Thor's hammer, Mjolnir - but the truth confirms it was a misunderstanding.
Like his MCU character, Chris Hemsworth loves his hammers.
Every Marvel fan now knows that only the truly 'worthy' can wield the Hammer of Thor, Mjolnir. But what if you control metal like Magneto?
Thor's famous hammer Mjolnir has been lifted by a LOT of people, some less worthy of it than others. So how have the rules been broken?
Marvel Comics writer Dan Slott offers up an explanation for how Captain America is able to use Thor's lightning powers in Avengers: Endgame.
Avengers: Endgame co-writer Christopher Markus explains why the film bends the rules of Thor's magical hammer Mjolnir for Captain America.
Natalie Portman wasn't quite ready for her announcement as Thor!
Thor's hammer can only be wielded by those who are worthy, so who else in the MCU would be able to lift the ancient, legendary weapon?
Cap isn't the only one besides Thor who's worthy and it turns out the new Thor is rather possessive over her war hammer.
Jane Foster is already epic as Marvel's new VALKYRIE, but the creation of 'Undrjarn The All-Weapon' puts Thor's hammer Mjolnir to shame.
Fans of Avengers: Endgame can rewatch the scene of Captain America wielding Thor's hammer Mjolnir - one of the most iconic MCU movie scenes - in 4K.
They are the trusted assets of DC and Marvel's strongest long-haired, bearded titans. The question is, between Thor's hammer and Aquaman's trident, which weapon would give you the best chances?
Here's our theory on how Captain America could lift Thor's trusty hammer Mjolnir in Avengers: Endgame.
How would you like to go to the Avengers: Endgame premiere? How about going with MCU star Mark Ruffalo? And what if I told you you'd walk away from the experience not just with memories and memorabilia, but also a signed replica of Thor's hammer? Yes, all of these descriptions can apply to you, and all you have to do is donate to charity through the latest Omaze campaign for a chance to win. Check out their campaign page here for more info. You, if you're the lucky winner, and one (also lucky) friend will: Assemble (and …