Hulu has released the official trailer for the Animaniacs reboot and oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes, inject this into my veins right now. It's been more than 25 years since Animaniacs first aired, introducing us to the extremely wacky sibling trio of Wakko, Yakko, and Dot. (The first two are the titular Warner Bros., for your information, and Dot won't let you forget she's the lone Warner sister.) Now, with the combined efforts of Hulu, Amblin Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Animation, the Warner siblings are back in business. [caption id="attachment_939018" align="alignright" width="360"] Image …
Sometimes you just need to shake up your reality to see the world a little more clearly. Today, we're happy to debut the first trailer for The Wave, Gille Klabin's new psychedelic thriller that stars Justin Long as an opportunistic insurance lawyer who gets a mind-bending, reality-altering glimpse at what really matters when he heads out for a night on the town and winds up on a life-or-death quest for answers when he gets dosed with a powerful hallucinogen. I caught The Wave at Fantastic Fest this year, where the film celebrated its world …
Peele is slowly making a claim as this generation’s Hitchcock.