Becoming Harry Potter was a major role for Daniel Radcliffe, but not everybody thought it was a good thing.
Now that the Game Of Thrones finale is in the books, we can look back in totality at the entire experience. We can seek out the nuggets of gold and the diamonds among the occasional rough from the action, the story, and in this case, the choice quotes. There was plenty of that aforementioned 'rough' in the journey of Jorah Mormont, the Bear Island export. As a perennial companion to Daenerys, he was often sought out for his advice and wisdom. However, the roller-coaster that was his journey meant that some of his wisest words fell on deaf ears, regardless of its value. Other nuggets of wisdom only became apparent in hindsight. Others could've changed the course of Westerosi history but no-one could've known that at the time. Nevertheless, here are the best and unfortunately most pitiable quotes from our man across the Narrow Sea, Jorah Mormont.