Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw

MPAA Rating:G
Genre:Fantasy, Musical, Animation, Family, Comedy
Country:United States
Produced By:Edd Griles, Diana Dru Botsford, Donald Kushner, Ray Volpe, Beth Broday, Peter Locke
Directed By:Pierre DeCelles
Written By:Terrence McDonnell, Jim Carlson
Cast:Tony Longo, Hal Rayle, Ruth Buzzi, Ashley Hall, B.J. Ward, Mark Vieha, George Rose, Jasper Kushner, Janice Kawaye, James Swodec, Frank Welker, Alwyn Kushner, Robbie Lee, Wayne Scherzer, Susan Silo, Brennan Howard, Greg Berg, Joey Dedio, Cathy Cavadini, Ryan Davis, Nancy Cartwright
In Theaters:Mar 18, 1988
Runtime:1 hour 16 minutes
Box Office:$504,636