A Land Imagined

The film revolves around Lok, a police officer who is investigating the disappearance of a Chinese migrant worker working at a land reclamation site. The investigation leads him to the disappearance of another Bengali worker, who was on good terms with the missing worker. As he retraces the steps of the missing worker, Lok gets a sensing of the plight of these workers as they happen to work for an unscrupulous employer.

MPAA Rating:NR
Country:France, Netherlands, Singapore
Directed By:Siew Hua Yeo
Written By:Siew Hua Yeo
Cast:Andie Chen, Xiao Jing, Ottylia Liu, George Low, Peter Yu, Khalishan Liang, Qin Tianshu, Ishtiaque Zico, Yue Guo, Joey Heng, Andy Nyo, Xiaoyi Liu, Jack Tan, Debabrota Basu, Kelvin Ho
In Theaters:Apr 12, 2019
Runtime:1 hour 35 minutes
Production:Akanga Film Productions, Films de Force Majeure, MM2 Entertainment, Volya Films
Available On:Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia