Chris Evans, the recently named Sexiest Man Alive, apparently isn't too much of a fan of asparagus, or rather its after effects.
To celebrate the unsung heroes of this genre, the following list will detail ten bizarre horror comedies you have probably never heard of.
Italian horror is a huge horror subgenre - but for every famous Italian flick, there are plenty we bet you've never seen.
In the 1970s, Italian cinema was a pioneer in the horror genre. With Giallo-style films at the height of their popularity, we reveal some hidden gems.
From Nova to Jessica Drew, here are 10 lesser-known superheroes who could still be looking at their own cinematic outing.
With The Grudge now out, there is a renewed interest in Asian horror. So, here are 10 movies that you've likely never heard of.
These underrated British and Irish horror movies should be on the watchlist of any fan of the genre.
The Daily Bugle published its latest Spider Man takedown, failing to mention Thanos, the Big Bad who wiped out half the planet.
As the campaign for the unseen Snyder Cut of Justice League continues, Jesse Eisenberg reveals that he's never even heard of it.
Slasher movies shot to popularity in the 1980s. Everyone has heard of the classics like Halloween, but we discuss 10 obscure films from the genre.
Lock your doors and stay close to a phone. We're going to delve into ten Asian slashers you should watch
As one of the popular entertainments of the Reagan era, the slasher film became as ubiquitous as Cabbage Patch Kids and party lines, and the emergence of VHS and home entertainment systems left America chomping at the bit for a constant flow of the type of mind-numbing gore only the subgenre could provide. Like most trends, the slasher boom flared out fast, reaching peak popularity by mid-decade and all but dying out by 1989. Still, the amount of films released during those years was massive, and for every Friday the 13th sequel or Halloween ripoff, there's solid gold, forgotten slasher that got lost in the shuffle. Below are the ten best slashers you've probably never heard of.