Deputy comes at you like a '78 Ford Bronco smashing through your living-room wall just to respectfully request that you abide by the local lawn-watering restrictions during the drought before tipping a cowboy hat and bidding you a good day. It's got all the trappings (and tropes) of traditional cop dramas but without the teeth of hit cable shows like The Shield or gritty feature films like End of Watch and Training Day. Deputy desperately wants to play in a higher class of cinematic storytelling but is held back by its broadcast network restrictions. That's not …
Sony Pictures has released a batch of high-definition images from the upcoming Men in Black: International—a reboot of the Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones-starring trilogy—nearly all of which confirm the number one selling point of the film: Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth rock the everloving heck out of a suit and tie, man. An Academy Award for that tailor immediately. Hemsworth and Thompson star as Agent H and Agent M, respectively, a veteran and a newbie partnered up in the iconic group of galaxy defenders that won't let you remember. Liam Neeson also stars …