We recount the long and troubled development of the Uncharted movie just ahead of its long-awaited release.
Despite being stuck in development hell, certain movies manage to escape and still be great. Other films should have stayed shelved.
Fans usually have to wait a few years before a film gets a sequel, but some movies have been in development hell for a very long time.
A Confederacy Of Dunces is a novel Hollywood has been trying to adapt for almost 40 years, with everyone from John Belushi to Will Ferrell attached.
Development hell is an industry term for a movie put into development that never gets made. Netflix has saved more than a few and should keep going.
The Flash movie has been in development hell for years, seeing many directors come and go, but Ezra Miller is still on board, will it ever get made?
The sequel won't be boldly going anywhere for a while.