Planet 51

On Planet 51, green extraterrestrials live peacefully in a society reminiscent of the United States during the 1950s, although the planet's and their nature provide notable differences from Earth and, notably, ignorance about astronomy leads to believing that the whole Universe extends for almost 500 miles.

MPAA Rating:PG
Genre:Adventure, Animation, Sci Fi, Family, Comedy
Country:Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Produced By:Juan Antonio PÉRez RamÍRez, Ricardo GarcÍA Arrojo, Peter D. Graves, Stephen Margolis, Javier PÉRez Dolset, Michael Ryan, Guy Collins, Albie Hecht, Ignacio PÉRez Dolset, Mercedes Rey, Thomas D. Adelman, Albert Martinez Martin, JosÉ A. RodrÍGuez DÍAz, Patrick Meehan, Michael Maker, Mercedes Gamero
Directed By:Marcos Martínez, Jorge Blanco, Javier Abad
Written By:Marcos Martínez, Ignacio Pérez Dolset, Javier Abad, Joe Stillman, Jorge Blanco
Cast:Justin Long, Pete Atkin, James Corden, Alan Marriott, Jessica Biel, Rebecca Front, Vincent Marzello, Gary Oldman, Laurence Bouvard, Lewis Macleod, Brian Bowles, Freddie Benedict, Rupert Degas, Seann William Scott, Mathew Horne, Emma Tate, Dwayne Johnson, John Cleese
In Theaters:Nov 20, 2009
Runtime:1 hour 31 minutes
Production:TriStar Pictures, Ilion Animation Studios, HandMade Films, Antena 3 Films
Box Office:$42,194,060
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia