After Saltburn’s infamous nude scene, Barry Keoghan talks about his rising sex symbol status.
The YA series continues to show its relevance through stark pictures of real protests and rebellion in southeast Asia.
The Batman director Matt Reeves gave fans their first look at Robert Pattinson in the Batsuit via a moody screen test and it has people debating one detail: the chest symbol. We have some theories explaining this rather peculiar element.
The reveal of Robert Pattinson's costume for The Batman includes a bat symbol made from gun pieces. Is it the gun that killed Bruce Wayne's parents?
Thanks to a picture of the crew jackets worn during production, the new logo for Marvel's Eternals might be revealed, and it looks pretty cool.
117 new Emojis are here including new animals, insects, food, ninjas as well as gender-inclusive symbols.
Star Wars is a series built on references and inspirations from plenty of other places, including myths and symbolism.
Scott Derrickson’s Sinister makes terrifying use of disturbing videotapes, but the mystery of the symbol on those tapes adds even more to the horror.
Superman's 'S' symbol has gone through a lot of meanings. But where did the symbol get its start, when did it change, and where did it end?
Symbols have always been important in Star Wars. With such a vast universe populated by so many different entities and species, symbols help to designate the different ideological factions. Battles between the Rebel Alliance and The Empire, as well as the Sith and the Jedi, are helpfully differentiated by the use of distinct symbology. In the case of the symbol of the Jedi Order, it may be the most mysterious of all.
"This might be too forward, but Mr. Tumnus I want to put my thumb-nus in your bum-nus."