Courtney Cox's iconic Scream role is back and moving to primetime.
Chris Hemsworth is a multi-talented, impressively charming man. He has multiple disciplines, not just picking up blessed hammers and smashing purple goons with them. But one of them surprised us all — especially the Australian news anchors he crashed. Y'see, Hemsworth is spending his pandemic time in his home of Australia. And while there, he appeared on The Today Show, a long-running Australian morning show, to deliver the weather report himself. You can take the man out of the God of Thunder, but you can't take the God of Thunder out of the man. [caption id="attachment_448933" …
Finally, some bright, sunny news in these dark times: David Lynch is once again delivering random weather reports, a delightful hobby the Oscar-nominee stopped doing ten years ago. On this date, May 11, 2020, the Twin Peaks creator settled down in what looks to be an apocalypse bunker to let the world know that Los Angeles is "kind of cloudy." Seriously. That's all that happens. I've already watched it six dozen times. I'm 2,500 words into a treatise on how it's actually a metaphor for the corrupted heart at the center of mainland America. …