The Hunger Games movies were loaded with amazing supporting characters. Here are 10 we just can't stop thinking about all these years later.
Sometimes the supporting role is the best part of a great '90s movies, as demonstrated with these characters.
Netflix's comedy series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt features a lovable heroine, but some of the characters around her are awful. Here are the worst.
Pixar has made some amazing films with very lovable characters. These are the minor stars we'd love to see have their own spin-off movie.
The CW's Black Lightning has its fair share of lovable DC heroes and villains, along with a few supporting characters that are beyond detestable.
Netflix's Defenders introduced us to a whole host of Marvel heroes, but not all got the screentime they deserved.
Breaking Bad is one of AMC's most beloved shows, but some of the supporting characters were truly hated by fans.
Throughout its nine seasons, Arrow had a plethora of supporting characters, and fans tended have strong opinions of either hate or love.
The side characters on the History Channels Vikings inspire sympathy or enmity. Here are 10 of the show's most despised characters.
Whether you prefer the upstairs or downstairs, fans love the characters of Downton Abbey. However, the period show has a few bad eggs.
Fans of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have plenty of characters to love and root for among the main cast, but they don't love everyone...
Supergirl has so many excellent characters but some are just plain awful. These were hated by fans.
Sex and the City starred four larger-than-life women, but they had their supporters, too. And, these 10 supporting characters deserved better.
Grey's Anatomy has been on the air for over a decade. Some of the supporting characters there have come and gone, with a few deserving more shine.
Some HIMYM characters did not get much gameplay because they were needed for 1 episode. Some of these characters deserved more screen time.
The Flash is currently on Season 6, but which supporting characters deserve more screen time on The CW's Arrowverse show?
Drawing on Marvel Comics and the MCU gives Agents of SHIELD the ability of having really interesting character, but occasionally they squander this.
Cheers is a classic TV show that remains beloved and cherished years after its finale. It's managed to accrue 10 supporting characters that fans hate.
Friends mostly focused on the main characters we loved. However, there were plenty of smaller characters who should've had bigger roles.
Not every character in Sex and the City is beloved by all. Some of their supporting characters are despised. Here's a look at 10 examples!