The wait for more magical prophecy, delightful daemons, and the next chapter in Lyra (Dafne Keen's) epic journey is finally almost over. His Dark Materials returns next month, and HBO has debuted a trailer... and oh boy, fans of Philip Pullman's 'The Subtle Knife' are about to be real happy. Alongside Keen, the second season sees the return of Ruth Wilson, Amir Wilson, Ariyon Bakare, Will Keen, Ruta Gedmintas and Lin-Manuel Miranda, alongside newcomers Terence Stamp, Jade Anouka, Simone Kirby, and an expanded part for Hot Priest himself, Andrew Scott, as Colonel John Parry, who snuck into …
The PC port of the former Nintendo exclusive brings everything with it: tight gameplay muddled by an overwritten story; luckily, it's still a blast.
Developer Marvelous is giving up fast-paced mech shooter Daemon X Machina's Nintendo Switch exclusivity in order to bring the game to Steam.
His Dark Materials has just explained why fans can see some daemons, but not others, in every scene - and it makes perfect sense.
There's a quiet conversation in His Dark Materials episode 3 that, not to put too fine a point on it, messed me right the hell up, because it's raw, and real, and emblematic of this show at its best. The subject is daemons, the animal companion every character in His Dark Materials has that is, in fact, a physical manifestation of a person's inner self. A person's daemon settles on one, permanent form around puberty. The question, posed by young orphan Lyra (Dafne Keen) to an old nomad adviser named Fader Coram (James Cosmo), is what …
Daemon X Machina reviews are beginning to pile in, and it looks like a game that will satisfy mech enthusiasts but leave others wanting.
Daemon X Machina makes the player feel like a futuristic mech pilot, but they can never escape a dull story that keeps interrupting the action.