The small-budgeted Terrifer 2 continues to earn more money at the box office.
Pokemon GO is still going strong, as the popular mobile game saw record profits in 2019 and even earned more than it did in its launch year.
A GoFundMe page has almost reached its goal for Adam Driver's non-profit charity, and the actor himself sends his thanks to the fans who helped.
Just because Marvel movies earn billions at the box office, doesn't mean they make the most profit, as oftentimes that honor goes to horror films.
Joker is a massive box office success for Warner Bros., but the studio isn't going to receive all of the film's profits due to splitting costs.
At this point, it's hard to predict when Joker will stop breaking records.
The Joker has pulled off no shortage of gags, boners, and heists since he first popped up in Batman #1 in April of 1940, but the Clown Prince of Crime has officially netted his biggest score yet. A box office report from Forbes notes that Todd Phillips' Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix will reach a global total of $957 million by the end of November 8, making it the most profitable comic book movie of all time on a reported budget of $62.5 million. Joker would be toppling the former record holder The Mask, which nabbed $351 million on a $…
Joker continues to rake in money for WB, as it beats out The Mask to become the most profitable comic book movie ever.
Warner Bros' Joker continues its massive success as the Joaquin Phoenix-starring thriller becomes the most profitable comic book movie of all time.
Made on a much lower budget, DC Films' Joker origin movie is set to end up as profitable as Marvel Studios' megahit Avengers: Infinity War.
Warner Bros. brought in a pair of extra financiers to split the costs (and profits) for Joker, over concerns about the movie's commercial prospects.
Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures reach a new deal bringing Spider-Man into the MCU - and the production details are beginning to emerge.
After Dark Phoenix and Stuber flopped at the box office, only one Fox film released by Disney has turned a profit – and it’s an unlikely contender.
More than a third of the company's sales in Q1 2019-20 came from PC.