Oscar-winning filmmaker Steven Soderbergh appeared on this week’s episode of Flaviar’s The NightCap Live, a live-streamed talk show for spirits aficionados hosted by Dan Dunn. In the episode, Soderbergh talks in detail about his personal brand of Bolivian Brandy, Singani 63, and reveals how he got into the spirits business in the first place. (Fittingly, it began after he tried Singani for the first time while on location for one of his films.) Soderbergh appeared on the show (conducted via teleconference, according to social distancing guidelines) dressed in a NASCAR suit, which he explained is a …
Roger Deakins is the greatest cinematographer who’s ever lived. That’s not hyperbole. That’s not recency bias. It’s a pretty inarguable fact. Throughout a career that ranges from the docudrama style of Fargo to the poetic imagery of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford to the stunning future vision of Blade Runner 2049, Deakins has consistently proven to be a master with light and shadow, conjuring emotion and drilling down character beats with strikingly evocative imagery. His work is diverse but never derivative, distinct yet not repetitive. He’s been nominated for 14 …