Many of the best movies in Hollywood history have really long running times. Here is a list of 32 examples that longer movies are usually better movies.
Neither sequel is as good as the original, but out of the two movies, which one is superior?
I love Mulan, but I am not paying $30 for it. Black Widow on the other hand...
Hard science fiction and soft science fiction movies make up a significant amount of Hollywood films, but what's the difference? And which is better?
Of all the mind-bending occurrences 2019 has brought us thus far, in hindsight it may well go down as the Year of the Deepfake—when the nascent technology collided with the mainstream. Over the past ten months alone, viral deepfakes of Nancy Pelosi, Mark Zuckerberg, Jordan Peterson, and Bill Hader have been viewed by hundreds of millions—if not billions. Yet the public is only beginning to grapple with what happens when seeing is no longer believing. Things were so much more simple (albeit still gross) in 2017 when “deepfakes” was just the pseudonym of a Redditor who figured …
Mean Girls and Clueless are both quotable teen comedies with large fan bases. We compare each popular movie and see which one comes out on top.
This month, some of you are graduating from high school. Some are you of graduating from college. To all of you, I say congratulations on your hard work. School can be tough. As someone who wishes he had chosen a different college, I can speak to that directly. But I tend not to dwell too much on regrets because ultimately my choices brought me to where I am now, and I’m pretty pleased with my life. And because I have that satisfaction, I thought I would impart a little wisdom in my area of expertise: movies. I’m sure …