Another child of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is going to attend college in the fall.
This viral tweet about Viggo Mortensen from the Lord of the Rings is guaranteed to sprout grey hairs.
Halle Bailey looked and sounded amazing when she performed a classic to help Disney World celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Snake Eyes is just the latest movie to show off Iko Uwais' insane fighting skills...
Billy Ray doesn't think his two-part miniseries The Comey Rule is anti-Trump. "I really don't. I think it's a very fair piece and I think it depicts Donald Trump as he is and has him saying things that he actually said," he told Collider during a recent Zoom chat. "I mean, in that respect, I think that we're a window and not an eye." This doesn't mean that the writer/director whose credits include Shattered Glass, Captain Phillips, and Richard Jewell doesn't have an opinion about the 45th President — which he sees …
If you're looking for a poster that really captures that "He's standing right behind me, isn't he?" energy, have a peek at our exclusive debut for Alone. The new psychological survival thriller is directed by John Hyams, who directed the Good Actually DTV Universal Soldier sequels Regeneration and Day of Reckoning. He also recently directed Netflix's zombie series, Black Summer, which showed off some real talent for building a tight, thrilling set-piece... often with a surprising twist of human failing. While there are no monsters in Alone, the film's set-up holds plenty of …
I had Minority Report wrong. When you look at it in the context of Steven Spielberg's overall filmography, the film's ending seems like it follows in the footsteps of movies like Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, and even A.I. Artificial Intelligence (some view the ending as bleak, but Spielberg says its happier conclusion is where he and Stanley Kubrick wanted to take it). Spielberg is a director who doesn't really go for ambiguous endings and wants to give the audience a feeling of hope even in the face of humanity's darkest impulses, and so …
It may seem like everywhere you turn right now, all anyone can talk about is the new Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Well, it's the only pleasant thing anyone can talk about, that is. [caption id="attachment_883855" align="alignright" width="360"] Image via Nintendo[/caption] Right now, many of us trying to take the necessary steps of social distancing and self-quarantining during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The news is just a frightfest of ever-changing information and here, in this corner of the world known as the entertainment industry, it seems like everything from movie …
The Elf on the Shelf got its first movie in 2011, but some scenes in the movie make you want your own little elf on Christmas.
These movies are great, but don't expect to feel awesome when you leave 'em.
Top Gun: Maverick star Jay Ellis describes what it was like working with Tom Cruise.
Julian definitely likes to think he's smarter than most. But these quotes will have you questioning that.
Amy Farrah Fowler was a key player in Big Bang Theory’s latest seasons, so it’s hard to imagine that she did not appear at all until the third season of the popular series, which has now wrapped up its final season after a 12-season run. Introduced as a possible mate for the awkward and socially-challenged Sheldon, she eventually won his heart, and the hearts of all his friends. She became Penny’s best friend, found people she could finally relate to. And while they helped her come out of her shell, she also helped Sheldon become an overall better person.