From director Niki Caro, the epic tale of Mulan tells the story of a fearless young woman (Yifei Liu) whose love for her family and country send her on a journey to becoming one of China’s greatest warriors. As she learns to embrace her inner strength and true potential, she also earns respect on the battlefield, bringing honor to her proud father. During this 1-on-1 phone interview with Collider, actor Jason Scott Lee – who plays the film’s villain Böri Khan – talked about how much fun it is to be the bad guy, what it takes …
His career has spanned more than three decades, and averages out to at least one movie every couple of years, so you've seen at least two or three movies with Jean Claude Van Damme. As one of our most beloved action heroes and an expert in martial arts, The Muscles from Brussels has appeared in some intimidating roles. Here are his ten most badass characters, and considering his body of work, just choosing ten was quite the challenge!