[Pain Hustlers] fails to dig into any piece of its subject matter with any sort of significant depth.
It’s hard to believe, but Greg Daniels hasn’t created a TV show in 10 years. The mastermind behind the endlessly rewatchable NBC sitcom The Office and co-creator of the also brilliant Parks and Recreation returns at last with not one but two shows in May. One is another workplace comedy starring Steve Carell (Netflix’s Space Force), but the other is Daniels’ true follow-up to The Office and Parks and Rec: a sci-fi comedy mystery called Upload. In many ways it’s a tremendously different show from those iconic sitcoms—it’s single-camera, it’…
Following a YouTuber trying to go viral with a video capitalizing on the death of Kobe Bryant, how does YouTube fix its toxic content problem?
One of the most difficult boss fights in Death Stranding is the whale BT outside Capital Knot City near the end of the game: here's a how to beat it.