Grosse Pointe Blank

As professional assassin Martin Blank prepares for a job, his assistant, Marcella, informs him that he has received an invitation to his ten-year high school reunion. While Martin is able to kill his intended target, a rival assassin named Grocer, arrives and kills Martin's principal, effectively ruining the contract. After the job, Grocer approaches him apologetically about the incident, pointing out that the market for contractors is now flooded, and that mishaps like this will become commonplace without some organization; having worked together before, Grocer offers Martin a chance to join his fledgling union, which Martin refuses, preferring to work alone. Martin proceeds to his next job, which goes badly when he has to shoot the target rather than make it appear like natural causes; as such, his clients demand that he make amends by killing a Federal witness in his hometown of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, where his reunion is taking place. He is persuaded into going by both his reluctant therapist, Dr. Oatman, and Marcella, who believes that it is more than a synchronicity, it may be "the will of the gods". Disillusioned with work and knowing that refusal will cause reprisal, Martin reluctantly agrees to go.