The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

MPAA Rating:PG-13
Genre:Biography, Documentary, Sports
Country:United States
Produced By:Ed Cunningham, Luis Lopez, Joshuah Bearman, Ross Tuttle, Beau Bauman, Clay Tweel
Directed By:Seth Gordon
Written By:Seth Gordon
Cast:Adam Wood, Zack Hample, Nicole Wiebe, Robert Mruczek, Steve Wiebe, Mark Alpiger, Doris Self, Todd Rogers, Steve Sanders, Sandra Wiebe, Jon Farley, Ryan Wiebe, Jillian Wiebe, Billy Mitchell, Steven Krogman, Walter Day, Mike Thompson, Barbara Mitchell, Brian Kuh, Paul Pitkin
In Theaters:Feb 28, 2008
Runtime:1 hour 19 minutes
Production:New Line Cinema
Box Office:$674,925
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu