Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has called Doctor Strange the "anchor of the Marvel Cinematic Universe" in a speech honouring Benedict Cumberbatch's achievements.
Another spooky surprise from Netflix's latest holiday offering.
The one-month-old daughter of popular Canadian sports anchor Dan O’Toole is safe. Both the local police department and O’Toole himself tweeted out the news just hours after he took to social media to first announce his child had gone missing.
Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government, but don't tell Fox News.
Briarpatch is a curious case. Not the actual case of murder at the heart of the mystery (that’s never quite as gripping as the series needs it to be), but the series itself, which fashions itself as a hot, dusty desert noir with a freak flag to fly. Unfortunately, the series only ever seems to want to fly it at half-mast, resulting in a show that’s watchable as hell but never quite carves a clear identity out of the hard-boiled genre tropes and creative flourishes it so giddily embraces. The influences here are loud and clear; …
If you're a fan of Roland Emmerich's slam-bang style of filmmaking, or would just like to see a spiritual sequel of sorts to Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor, then it looks like Midway might just be for you. Subtlety isn't exactly in either director's repertoire, so it's no surprise that this first official trailer for the Lionsgate release is full of explosions and one-liners like "Washington is wrong," and, "Today we prove the American Navy isn't a joke." It's angled as an underdog story centering on the soldiers and sailors who …