
Dig is an American horror film directed by K. Asher Levin from a screenplay by Banipal and Benhur Ablakhad. The film stars Thomas Jane, his daughter Harlow Jane, Emile Hirsch and Liana Liberato.

MPAA Rating:R
Country:United States
Directed By:K. Asher Levin
Written By:Banipal Ablakhad, Benhur Ablakhad
Cast:Ashleigh Domangue, Diego Romero, Arthur Rodriguez, Emile Hirsch, Thomas Jane, Ramona DuBarry, Diego Romero, Makana David, Harlow Jane, Liana Liberato, Michael Vincent Berry, Nick Check
In Theaters:Sep 23, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 32 minutes
Production:BondIt Media Capital, Buffalo 8 Productions, Nico Nazar, Renegade Entertainment, Stoked Film Group
Available On:Amazon, Itunes, Vudu
Read More On:Wikipedia