[I]t’s a film that can neither find a way to deliver a satisfying scare nor navigate a narrative without latching on to tropes like an exhausted long distance swimmer clinging to a buoy.
Sometimes, you watch a movie for the first time and it's not that good. Or maybe it's good, but not great. And then a year or so goes by -- maybe longer -- and you watch that same movie again and somehow, some way, it's better than you remember it. And it keeps getting better each time you watch it. Maybe it's because you're a little older and a little wiser, so you understand the movie a little bit better, or maybe you just start to pick up on small details and are able to appreciate its …
Could this be the best movie of the summer, or greatest movie of the summer?
Could this be the best movie of the summer, or greatest movie of the summer?
Pike gets a great moment as Disco continues to shift to a more traditional Trek in the fun, philosophical “New Eden.”