To the chagrin of many players, Nintendo will soon add a monthly subscription service to the already rapacious Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.
Dog the Bounty Hunter’s children have slammed him for his televised proposal to Beth’s friend and maid of honor, Moon Angell, so soon after her death.
American Horror Story: Freak Show’s Twisty the Clown character caused outrage amongst real clowns within the group, Clowns of America International.
IT Chapter One and Chapter Two may have delighted Stephen King fans, but real life professional clowns found them to be no laughing matter.
Rocket League's developer Psyonix is doing away with Crates and Keys, and fans are not happy with the how the change will affect their wallets.
The stairs from Todd Phillip's Joker are causing a stir in the Bronx, where fans have been gathering to pay tribute to Joaquin Phoenix's dance.
Former Bachelorette Hannah Brown unleashes all of her anger over past relationships in her latest performance on Dancing with the Stars.
Created, co-written and expertly directed by Ava DuVernay, the four-part Netflix limited series When They See Us chronicles the notorious case of the five teenagers of color from Harlem – Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise – who became labeled the Central Park Five, after being accused of a violent rape in New York in the spring of 1989. After being questioned as teenagers and pressured to confess, they were convicted and sentenced and served between 6 and 13 years in prison before their exoneration in 2002, and watching their journey will break your heart, …
Earlier this week, Game of Thrones, one of HBO's most popular series, finally came to an end after 8 seasons. This awe-inspiring fantasy series, based on George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novel series, has made a lasting impact on fans since 2011.