The Magic Crystal

Yotan (Jonas in some versions) is an orphan who wants to be helpful as much as he can much to the disapproval of the orphanage owner. On December 23rd, Yotan is late to come back due to him helping a younger boy retrieve his Christmas letter in a drain. In his room, Santa’s twin brother Basil and his minion Grouch (Lätty in some versions) (Basil originally found him in a post office) show up outside his window asking if he would like to help save Christmas. The orphanage owner bursts into the room scaring Yotan out of the window and into the garbage bin. In the bin, Yotan befriends a talking squirrel named Jiffy. Just then, the orphanage owner falls into the bin after a scuffle with Basil who stole his cane. Santa’s rocket-powered sleigh shows up driven by a Jamaican anthropomorphic reindeer named Poro who picks up Basil and Grouch. The bin rolls down the hill with the orphanage owner falling out telling Yotan to never come back. Yotan and Jiffy crash into the town centre where Yotan explains to Jiffy what Christmas is (She claims that squirrels don’t know about Christmas). The sleigh returns to collect the letters and the two hide in one of the letter bags. Basil and Grouch notice them and help Poro with the bags and they take off back to Lapland.