The Bill & Ted franchise has always been extremely fan-centric, and now for the highly anticipated upcoming sequel Bill & Ted Face the Music, the production is giving fans an opportunity to be in the movie. While specifics are not given so as not to spoil the film’s plot, fans are being asked to create and submit video of themselves doing something musical, with that video potentially finding its way into the film. You can submit your video at The deadline for submissions is May 20, 2020. Bill & Ted 3 finds Keanu Reeves and …
Coronavirus claimed your hyped-up concert. Try streaming these rockumentaries instead!
You've never seen a small-town mystery movie quite like this one. The buzzy festival hit Knives and Skin finally has a trailer so you can get a glimpse at the beautiful, bonkers movie. Of all the films I"ve been lucky enough to catch at the festival circuit in 2019, Knives and Skin is without a doubt the hardest to describe. But I'll try. It's the avant-garde, sing-a-long, John Waters-meets-David Lynch, fashion-forward, queer teen neon-noir you didn't know you needed. It's a one-of-a-kind film, …
These are the music biopics we think are worth watching the most, depending on your mood and what time of night it is, because sometimes, the best ones are the ones you see when you are up too late and getting into trouble, just like the subjects of the films.