Last week’s episode of The Mandalorian caused quite a stir among people who are sensitive about bizarre, tonally deaf jokes about casual genocide. “The Passenger” featured a running gag wherein The Child, better known as Baby Yoda to everyone who isn’t a Disney marketing representative, happily devours several of the Frog Lady’s eggs, which she makes very clear are the last hope for her species. The whole point of the episode is to carry her and her eggs safely to her husband so they can rebuild, and it’s intercut with Baby Yoda just absolutely housing egg …
Shortest Trip to Earth is a brutal spacefaring roguelike, whose challenge occasionally undermines the depth and quality of the overall experience.
In a world overrun by the dead who want nothing more than to hunt down and eat the flesh of the living, you might expect them to be the biggest threat around. As it happens, the living are still far deadlier and more chaotic than a walking corpse bent on eating the world's survivors.