Marvel's Eternals will draw some influence from manga and will also feature a Bollywood dance sequence, director Chloé Zhao revealed in a new interview.
Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa discuss the possibility of branching out into manga, anime, smaller video game projects, and another "big" title.
A new 1-bit cosmic horror RPG called World of Horror, inspired by Lovecraft and Junji Ito, is coming to Steam Early Access on February 20.
The ending to The Mandalorian's first episode suggests the series is inspired by a classic Japanese manga.
Adaptations of Star Wars novels are making the leap to manga when Star Wars: The Legends of Luke Skywalker: The Manga arrives in early 2020!
Don't miss out on these amazing Manga deals at Amazon, or the great sales at Walmart on appliances and more!
From JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to Steins;Gate, here's a selection of anime/manga series we'd love to see Hollywood adapt next.
The Robert Rodriguez film took a lot of inspiration from Yukito Kishiro's 1990-1995 manga series.
Now, I love Sailor Moon. The original anime is one of my favorite shows. I grew up on it. I spent my days playing with my Inner Senshi dolls with reruns of their show playing in the background. In my opinion, this is one of the greatest girl-power shows of all time. And I love me a good girl-power show. I have spent the better half of the past month watching episodes from the first season of the show and wishing that I could become a sailor scout myself. Now that I have assured you that Sailor Moon is one of the pieces of media closest to my heart and that it is clear that I am not attacking the show, I will state that Sailor Moon has one of the most complex lore/plots that I have ever seen.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen an adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo’s Akira, but with Taika Waititi’s recent attachment to a new live-action film based on the original manga, now seems like a perfect time to dive into some of the differences an adaptation of the manga will bring to the big screen. So if you’ve only seen the anime film and you’re wondering who Lady Miyako is and why she has a man's voice (in the dub), or you’re wondering why Akira never actually made an in-the-flesh appearance, we’ll highlight some of the differences in the manga we can’t wait to see come to the big screen. Especially when the anime ends at just about the halfway mark of the manga, approximately a thousand pages before its conclusion.