Steven Spielberg believes The Dark Knight would get an Oscar Nomination for Best Picture today, and shares his thoughts on blockbusters nominated this year.
Fox Searchlight's Nazi Germany satire is technically under the Walt Disney Company's umbrella of film releases, and it's not the usual fodder.
The Liam Neeson kills people genre gets another entry with this remake of a Norwegian film where revenge is served cold, literally. What do the critics think of it? Read on to find out.
The sports movie is almost a relic at this point. These days, a sports film is more likely to be something that deals with the business of sports (e.g. Moneyball, Draft Day) than an athlete hoping to reach their dreams. In that way, Stephen Merchant’s Fighting with My Family is almost a charming throwback. Based on a true story, Merchant’s film doesn’t try to upend any tropes of the genre. Instead, it just plays by the rules and has a good time doing it. Merchant peppers the script with crackling dialogue and then give it a …