Tony Stark has had some tremendous moments in the MCU as Iron Man.
As the new farmgirl from a planet in the middle of nowhere, Rey fulfilled her destiny as a Jedi and continued their legacy.
Brad Pitt has been an iconic actor for years now and has played some interesting roles. Here are his well known roles from most to least heroic.
Yennefer is one of the most complex characters in The Witcher, and her development is astonishing. Here are the most heroic things the sorceress did!
Disney princesses don't just sing to animals, sometimes, they are the biggest heroes in the movie.
Along the Winchesters, Castiel has been one of the central characters in Supernatural. We're taking a look at both his worst and most heroic actions.
Many love Michael B Jordan and the versatility he brings to the table. Let's look at some of the most heroic and villainous roles in his career.
Lucifer is quite the sympathetic character on the popular show Supernatural, but that doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't done terrible things as well.
Katniss Everdeen is the true hero of Hunger Games. From marrying Peeta to taking her sister's place, here's her most heroic & selfless acts.
Although Harry Potter's Sirius Black was often reckless, he was a Gryffindor, after all, he was also heroic. Here are his most noble deeds.
In Harry Potter, the Weasley are known for their red hair and kinds hearts. But they are all brave Gryffindors, both as individuals and a family unit.
The Harry Potter series had plenty of iconic heroes. The Marauders were among the most heroic and these acts prove that to be true.
While Disney princesses no longer these saving, we still admire the bravery of classic Disney princes like Aladdin, the Beast, and Prince Eric.
Ron Weasley, one of Harry Potter's best friend, has certainly had his fair share of heroic moments. Here are his ten best.
Jamie Foxx is one of the greatest working actors today, and these are his most memorable roles, ranked from most heroic to most villainous.
Harry Potter might have been the hero of Hogwarts, but Hermione Granger did some pretty heroic stuff herself... Here are those good deeds.
Draco is seen as a redemptive character within Harry Potter, but let's not forget all the times he was an utterly awful person.
Adam Driver might portray a popular Star Wars villain, but the actor's filmography is filled with both heroic and detestable characters.