If you need a little pick-me-up, this video of Tenacious D – aka Jack Black and Kyle Gass – performing “Time Warp” from Rocky Horror Picture Show will absolutely do the trick. Black goes through countless outfit changes as he tackles lead vocals for the iconic song, while Gass is darn near unrecognizable under a stunning wig. But that’s not all! Honestly watching Black nearly pass out performing “Time Warp” would make this entertaining enough, but the video – which aims to encourage every American citizen to vote in the upcoming election (Tuesday, November 3rd if you don't know) – …
What makes a great cult movie? The subject has been debated by film fans for ages. What even qualifies as a cult classic, especially when so many of them go on to become bonafide classics with time? Well, the folks at Quiver Distribution have a trio of documentaries coming out that promise to dive deep into the world of great cult films, with commentary and anecdotes from the great filmmakers and performers who made them, and we've got an exclusive trailer debut for the first installment Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time Volume 1 - Midnight Madness. …
Jon and Kate Plus 8’s Jon Gosselin is claiming that fame ‘twisted’ his ex-wife Kate’s beliefs and wonders if she is fit to parent the children.
Warp speed is the key to making Star Trek work - but just how does this fictional form of travel work, and how does it compare to Star Wars?