Top Gun: Maverick is heading back to cinemas this weekend in glorious IMAX, so watch it on the biggest screen you can find.
Netflix has a lot of good content, but the best content doesn't always grab the headlines or the attention of the streaming platform's millions of viewers worldwide. Sometimes, the best of what Netflix has to offer gets lost in the weeds. We've seen it happen to movies, which is why we put together this list of The Best Hidden Gems and Underrated Moves on Netflix Right Now. But it also happens to TV shows, and there are so, so many more of them to choose from. So we thought we'd do you a solid and compile …
Shaun of the Dead, like all of Edgar Wright's films, is packed with plenty of fun little details you probably overlooked in hte past.
You might not think that buddy-cup comedy Hot Fuzz is jam-packed with secrets, but these behind-the-scenes details are everywhere in the film.
Netflix's The Ritual is a fright-fest of a film, but let's put aside our fear and dive into the hidden details woven into the movie.
Star Trek: Discovery pays subtle homage to the series which came before it, and here are all the Easter Eggs fans may not have noticed.
Netflix's Sex Education is known for its blend of bawdy comedy and poignant drama - but also featured a largely unnoticed Stranger Things easter egg.
American Horror Story: Coven was a fantastic season and a lot of things happened in the first episode. Here are 10 hidden details!
Better Call Saul has followed in the impressive footsteps of Breaking Bad, and the two shows share several hidden connections you probably missed.
One of the things that worked about Star Wars: Rogue One were the costumes. They were designed to tie the film to the original trilogy.
Netflix did a fantastic job bringing The Witcher to life and there are a lot of hidden details found throughout the show's costume designs.
Netflix's The Witcher series is plot-heavy and throws a lot at the viewer, so much so, certain details are likely to go unnoticed.
This new version of the film are sure to become a favourite to those who hold the original film near and dear to their hearts.
Sony's trailer for Morbius raises more than a few questions about the Marvel character's debut film and its connection to the MCU.
2019 was a great year for films but there were quite a few Indie Horror movies that flew under the radar. Here are 10 of the best.
David Lynch drives his characters to madness with a thick atmosphere and unnerving set pieces - some of those details were more hidden than others...
Be it in film or on TV, Twin Peaks masters the art of subtly. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with me is filled with hidden details, here are ten not to miss.
There are some funny details and facts to be said for every classroom at Hogwarts, it seems, especially if you've read the books.
You probably didn't get a chance to see every movie that came out in 2019. That's okay, neither did we. So while 2019 is about to come to a close with a few movies on our wishlist that we still have to watch, we're looking forward to catching up with them on streaming, on-demand, or on home video releases. We've put together a handy guide of the best movies you might have missed this year to help streamline your movie-viewing. Some of these titles started off 2019 and should be easy to find on …