Even though its 20 years old, Elf is still one of the best holiday movies ever, and here are five reasons why.
Flip through the gallery to see how the cast of Spider-man has changed over the past 20 years.
Jack Black shares why he thinks The School of Rock is still popular after nearly 20 years.
Here are some documentaries to watch as we approach the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.
A quick coding fix from the 90's causes the infamous millennium bug to strike back twenty years later, could strike again in the future.
The actress returns alongside Keanu Reeves for the surprising sequel to the iconic science fiction franchise.
If you ever watched David Fincher’s electrifying 1999 movie Fight Club and thought, “We should start a fight club!” then congratulations, you have missed the point of Fight Club. When the film was released twenty years ago today, it was a lukewarm success at the box office, garnering only $100 million worldwide off a $63 million budget. However, thanks to the burgeoning DVD market, Fight Club quickly found its audience thanks to one of the best DVD releases of all-time packed with special features and a message that resonated with audiences. However, that message has been misinterpreted over …
Two decades ago, The Matrix entered theaters and revolutionized movies forever — especially in the sci-fi genre. Today, we'll take a moment to focus on The Matrix's impact on the sci-fi genre, and how it changed the genre for the next 20 years.
Twenty years ago, The Matrix hits theaters and blew everyone’s mind. There hasn’t been an original IP film like since that has radically altered the blockbuster landscape and cemented itself into popular culture. The Wachowskis remixed their interests into something fresh and original, the kind of movie we popular cinema aspires to be. And yet at the center of the movie is the question of whether or not we would actually agree with its protagonist. Watching the film in 1999 and seeing it again today, I remain convinced that while Neo (Keanu Reeves) is who we may wish …
And you thought Green Book was a surprise. This year's Best Picture winner should hold Shakespeare's ale, because in 1999 an artsy piece of erudite fan fiction about the Bard's young career took down none other than Steven Spielberg himself. Here's the dirty little secret: it should have. Shakespeare in Love is a better film than Saving Private Ryan. Considering how that’s a minority opinion (which I’ll defend in a bit), many people believe that Shakespeare producer and Miramax honcho Harvey Weinstein essentially bought the 1998 Academy Award for Best Picture. With a rumored $…