Gritty, the official mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers, is under scrutiny after allegedly punching a 13-year-old fan in the back after a photo shoot.
Sonic's kitschy brand of Manufactured Coolness has seen its ups and downs over the years, but might be due for a resurgence.
New Super Lucky's Tale for the Nintendo Switch offers a brief but enjoyable return to the cartoon world of classic '90s platform games.
Universal continues Dolittle's marketing with a recently-released weird advertisement featuring Robert Downey Jr. mediating fighting NFL mascots.
Ever since Super Mario Bros. hit the NES in 1985, Nintendo's portly plumber has reigned supreme as a prominent face in video games. With the introduction of Mario and the gang came a new subgenre of video games, dubbed the "mascot platformer," in which a marketable lead character hops and bops his way through a colorful world. The 80s certainly saw plenty of games come and go that tried to steal Mario's thunder, but it wasn't until the 90s that game companies began to usurp Mario's throne in earnest.