
Blackout is a 2022 American action crime thriller film directed by Sam Macaroni and starring Josh Duhamel, Abbie Cornish, Nick Nolte and Omar Chaparro.

MPAA Rating:NR
Genre:Action, Crime, Thriller
Country:United States
Directed By:Sam Maccarone
Written By:Van B. Nguyen
Cast:Daniel Farag, Robert Dobson, Abbie Cornish, Barbara De Regil, Omar Chaparro, Donald V. Allen, Rolando Gonzalez, Lou Ferrigno Jr., Nick Nolte, Josh Duhamel, M@Tch, Edison Ruíz, Anthony Soto, Jero Medina, Marco M Torres, Pedro Lopez, Hernan Del Riego, Christopher Erk
In Theaters:Oct 11, 2022
Runtime:1 hour 20 minutes
Production:Patriot Pictures, Itaca Films, Lost Winds Entertainment
Available On:Netflix
Read More On:Wikipedia